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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Best Bet Match Mode

Syntax: select from two options

Controls how best bets keywords are matched with the user's query.

With Show when search query is contained in Best Bet keywords mode (the default), a best bet is matched if the user's query is contained in the Best Bet's keyword(s). the Search Appliance internally does a "search" with the best bet keyword(s) as content, and the user's query is the search.

With Show when Best Bet keywords are contained in search query mode, a best bet is matched if the Best Bet's keyword(s) are contained in the user's query. the Search Appliance internally does a "search" with the user's query as content, and the best bet keyword(s) are the search terms.


With Show when search query is contained in Best Bet keywords, a best bet with the keywords pay raise will be triggered for the search queries pay, pay raise, or raise, because the user's query is contained in the best bet keywords. But it will not be triggered if a user searches for pay schedule or pay raise schedule, because the user's query is not fully contained in the keywords.

With Show when Best Bet keywords are contained in search query, a best bet with the keywords pay raise will be triggered for the search queries pay raise or pay raise schedule, because the best bet keywords are contained in the user's query. But it will not be triggered by pay, raise, or pay schedule, because the keywords are not fully contained in the user's query.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024