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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Dataload SOAP API

There is a SOAP API available for dataload, allowing you to use a SOAP library to communicate with the Search Appliance. For an overview of SOAP, Please see the SOAP API (here).

The WSDLs for the dataload API can be found on the Profile Tools page. Providing these WSDLs to whatever tool your language uses, such as Visual Studio's wsdl.exe program, should generate the necessary wrapper class.

The parameters are defined within the WSDL itself, and are generally the same as mentioned above in the Submission Format and Reply Formats, with a few exceptions:

C# Example Project

A C# example project is available that demonstrates using both the search and dataload SOAP interfaces. In the SystemAdvanced Tools section of the administration interface, choose Extra Downloads, and then Thunderstone Soap Example. Instructions are listed on that page and within the zip itself for how to use the project.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024