Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Log Viewer

This allows you to view, delete, rotate, and email the Search Appliance logs. It lists every file in the log partition and allows you to manipulate each log individually or many at once. Each item has a check box for selection for mass operations, the date and time of last addition, the size, a link to see the most recent bit of that log, and a list of processes currently using that log. Clicking a column header will sort the list by that column.

There may be multiple versions of each log. The version with no numeric extension (.1, .2, etc.) in the filename is the current log. Those with numeric extensions are older logs. Extension .1 is the most recent old log, .2 is the second most recent, etc.. Logs are automatically rotated once a month or once a day if they exceed 10MB. The need for rotation is checked once a day around 4am. To force a rotation check you can click the Rotate Logs button at the top of the manage logs page. If you see a log file with numeric extension that also has process numbers listed in the In Use By column you'll probably need to reboot the Search Appliance to free up that log file. That should be a rare occurrence, but has been known to happen.

The log listing is divided into sections. The first, unnamed, section is the system level logs. They contain information about the core operating system of the Search Appliance. That's where hardware, network, and similar events and problems are logged.

The Apache section contains the usage logs for the Apache web server which is used for HTTPS access to the Search Appliance, if enabled.

The texis section contains logs related to Texis, the relational database server that is a major technical component of the Search Appliance. These logs provide detailed information about operational events of Texis.

The webmin section contains usage logs for the Webmin system management interface.

At the bottom of the page is a form which allows you to perform actions on the selected log(s). You may View, Delete, Send, or Download any of the logs. For deleting you will be asked to confirm the deletion before it's carried out so it should be difficult to delete a log by accident. Deleting logs listed as in use may require rebooting to reclaim their disk space.

For viewing, sending, and downloading you can choose how many lines of the log(s) to see and whether to see the newest lines first (reverse chronological order) or natural order with the oldest lines first.

For sending the logs to Thunderstone technical support you should fill in your email address and a ticket number given to you by Thunderstone. Sending the logs via email assumes that your Search Appliance is configured to send mail to the Internet. It is by default in the simple case but if you have outbound SMTP blocked by your firewall or need to use a mail relay you'll need to configure sendmail using the Webmin interface. An alternative to having the Search Appliance email the log is to instead download the log then attach that file to your email to Thunderstone tech support.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024