Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Running the Administrative Interface

The Search Appliance's administrative interface is a web application that you access using your web browser. Access it using http://YOURSERVER/texis/dowalk/ where YOURSERVER is the name (or IP address) of your Search Appliance.

When you run the administrative interface you will be asked for the login and password. By default there is one login name. It is admin in all lowercase. If no other accounts have been added, you will not have to enter the name. It will be filled in for you. Your login will be remembered in a cookie until you logout. This way, you don't need to enter the password every time you enter.

Note: If you share your computer with others, or it is available to people who should not be administering the Search Appliance, then you should logout when you are finished. This will help prevent unauthorized configuration.

The Search Appliance administrative interface uses JavaScript to enhance its functionality and make it easy to use, but the interface will also work well without JavaScript. No functionality of the Search Appliance will be lost if JavaScript is turned off in your browser (e.g. to prevent pop-ups on other sites). In this document, the user interface description assumes that JavaScript is enabled.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024