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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Searching your Index

Search the pages you have indexed by entering the following URL into your Web browser:

The above is a virtual path comprised of 2 parts. ".../texis" is the Texis Web Script interpreter and "/search" is the path to the search script relative to your installation's ScriptRoot (/usr/local/morph3/texis/scripts).

The URL given above will search the live database specified in the default profile called "default". If that profile is not found it will try to search the default walk database.

You may specify an alternate profile by including its name in the URL.

Where MYPROFILE is the name of the profile you wish to use. The search will use the live database specified by that profile.

You may also specify a database to search instead of a profile.

Where DATABASE is the name of the database you wish to use. This would generally be the live database for a given profile which may be found as the first item listed on the administrative interface's Walk Settings page. Databases used this way must exist under the texis subdirectory of the installation directory. What you specify for DATABASE is only the portion of the path and name under the texis directory. For example, to search the database /usr/local/morph3/texis/myprofile/db2 you would use:

When using a database instead of a profile, the look and feel settings will be those that were live when the walk of that database was performed. The profile will not be consulted for more recent changes. A benefit of not consulting the profile, however, is some increased search speed, which may be useful on a very heavily searched system. A disadvantage of specifying the database is that it will no longer be correct if a new walk is performed.

To get help on constructing queries click on the Advanced button of the search form. On the advanced search form you will find hyperlinks into the search help, which is also included in this manual in section 6.

To place the search form onto your existing web page(s) call up the Live Search from the administrative interface main menu (or the URL you determined from the above). This will bring up the search form. Use your web browser's view page source option (MSIE: TopMenuViewSource) to get the source of the page. Cut everything between and including the <FORM> and </FORM> tags. That form may then be pasted into the web page(s) of your choice. You may also rearrange the look of the form as long as the variables are still present. If you have categories there will be a category select list in the form. You may leave this out if you always want to search everything. Or you may make it a hidden variable with a fixed value if you always want to search the same section.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024