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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

SpiderMonkey (JavaScript-C) Engine

The libtxjs.* library (Thunderstone JavaScript plugin) contains and utilizes the SpiderMonkey engine, as well as additional functionality.

The txjs.tar file contains context diffs (patches) to the Mozilla Project's SpiderMonkey (JavaScript-C) engine, version 1.5-rc4. Complete documentation and source code to the SpiderMonkey Engine is available at

The patches in txjs.tar were created by Thunderstone Software LLC and apply to the core SpiderMonkey engine. They are provided for compliance with the Netscape Public License, which governs usage of the SpiderMonkey engine. A copy of the Netscape Public License is on here. Note that the libtxjs.* library also contains other (Thunderstone) code.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024