Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Static Content

Static Content allows you to upload any files you'd like the Search Appliance to also host. This can be used to serve images, javascript, or CSS files that are referenced by your XSL-customized search interface.

This is not meant for searchable content, which remains on the original website or file server. This is for images or files used by the search interface, rather than file contents searched by the Search Appliance.

Content will be available under the /custom/ directory, so if you upload companyLogo.png you can use <img src="/custom/companyLogo.png"> in your custom search interface.

Note on Access Control: While you can create ACLs to restrict reading Static Content, this doesn't control the serving of the actual files themselves. This simply controls the ability to list content in the management interface. Static Content is not meant to host restricted content, just auxiliary files for search.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024