Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Step 1: Create an Account

A password was created by Thunderstone for the default administration account (admin), which you should now enter at the prompt. If for some reason this step did not happen, the first time you run the administrative interface you will be asked to create and enter a password. You should choose a password that is easy for you to remember but hard for someone else to guess, as this is an account that will control administrative access to the Search Appliance (additional accounts may be created later as needed). You will need to enter the same password twice (two input boxes will be provided) to help check for typing mistakes. Passwords are case sensitive. Once the password is created and Change is pressed, you will automatically be logged in and taken to the Profiles page to create a profile.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024