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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Submitting Content

Data is submitted to the Search Appliance with an HTTP POST request sent to a similar URL as the admin interface (e.g. http://.../dowalk), but with /recvdata.xml appended. E.g.:

The following POST variables must be set in the request. Be sure to URL-encode the values:

Uploading content

Below is an example data document where all fields are specified. Be sure to HTML-encode values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Visited>2005-10-25 15:25:18</Visited>
    <Title>Sprocket Specifications</Title>
    <Keywords>sprockets, gears, hubs</Keywords>
    <Description>Sprocket details</Description>
    <Modified>2005-10-25 11:21:07</Modified>
    <NextCheck>2005-10-25 16:25:18</NextCheck>
    <Refs dt:dt="bin.base64">...</Refs>
    <Errors dt:dt="bin.base64">...</Errors>
    <RawData dt:dt="bin.base64"></RawData>

Any element whose text data might not be XML-safe (e.g. binary chars in the <Body>) should be base64-encoded, and the attribute dt:dt="bin.base64" set in the tag. E.g. the <Refs> and <Errors> elements' text data are always base64-encoded. Note that the XML namespace prefix dt should also then be set to urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes in the root <ThunderstoneReplication> element.

The elements are:

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