Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

System Alert Email

Sets one or more email addresses to receive important system alerts. Enter one email address per input box. Events that will cause email to the System Alert Email address:

The list of events that will cause email will be expanded in future software versions.

When using this setting, make sure the Search Appliance is configured to send email, via Webmin. Set SystemSystem SetupWebmin System ManagementSendmail Mail ServerSendmail OptionsSend outgoing mail via host if needed (consult your network administrator). Then use SystemInformationTest Network and ServersTest NetworkEmail to to send a test message to ensure that the Search Appliance can send email; confirm receipt at those address(es).

This setting might not be available on older editions of the Search Appliance. Also, before using this setting, ensure that the Search Appliance software is up to date (SystemSystem SetupUpdate Software), especially thunderstonePatch.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024