Search Appliance SBE


Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Test Fetch

This allows for testing Search Appliance fetching of URLs. Be sure to properly encode any entered URL, like space as %20.

Several processing options are provided to control how much processing to do. Expand the Options link to show and edit these options. Note that most will only be set at the request of Thunderstone tech support. Some options may produce copious messages.

A short summary will be shown followed by various statistics and other information about the page. Most of the information is collapsed (hidden) to reduce page clutter. Click the + next to an item to expand that item for viewing. Click the - to collapse an item. Use the Collapse all and Expand all links to Collapse all items or expand all items respectively. Use Show empty fields to show all fields even if there was no data for them. That helps one determine that a value is actually missing as opposed to overlooked for display.

Large text fields will be shown in scrollable areas by default to avoid taking over the page. Click the + next to a scrolling area to let it fully expand onto the page. Click the - to confine and expanded field.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024