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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual


Syntax: an HTTP URL to a plain text file (not HTML)

This allows you to specify the URL of a plain text file containing a list of site URLs to walk. This is an additional way of specifying more Base URLs 3.4.3. This URL will be re-fetched each time a rewalk is started. In the file, the list of URLs can be one URL per line (preferred) or delimited by any number of spaces.

Warning: Due to the nature of Stay Under, a large number of URL URLs (1000+) in different directories will cause the walk to progress very slowly, as all URLs encountered will need to be checked against every one of those directories. In such a situation, we recommend turning off Stay Under and instead writing your own Required Prefix/Required REX expressions, which will be more efficient.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024