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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Auth Proxy conf/texis.ini Section

The conf/texis.ini config file in the Texis install dir can have an optional [Auth Proxy] section with settings for the authProxy component of the Proxy Module. For details on the format of this file in general, see the "Texis Configuration File" section of the Texis manual. Settings in the [Auth Proxy] section are:

Auth Proxy Address
Default: unset
Defines what URL the appliance should use to authenticate its url results. The URL should point to the authProxy that is installed on this machine. Example:

Auth Proxy Disabled
Default: false
Can be set to true to disable the entire authenticating aspect of the Proxy Module. This is only necessary if, for some reason, you want the virtual directory for the Proxy Module to be authenticated, but you don't want to trigger the Auth Proxy behavior.

Auth Proxy Pipe
Default: true
Can be used to disable the Proxy Module's communcation with the Auth Proxy. You can set this to false if you're using some other sort of authentication other than the Auth Proxy. Most users should leave this unset or true.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024