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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Proxy Module conf/texis.ini Section

The conf/texis.ini config file in the Texis install dir can have an optional [Proxy Module] section with settings for the Proxy Module. For details on the format of this file in general, see the "Texis Configuration File" section of the Texis manual. Settings in the [Proxy Module] section are:

Default: localhost, and port derived from [Httpd] Port
This is a URL prefix (protocol, host, optional port) to the target machine this proxy module will connect to. It should be the hostname of your Webinator machine or Search Appliance. It can be http, or https (if the target machine accepts HTTPS), and can specify a port number. Example:

Debug Command
Default: unset
An optional setting that defines a URL suffix for invoking the Proxy Module debug interface. For example, if Debug Command is set to debug.html, then any Proxy Module URL that ends with debug.html will invoke the debug interface.

Client Certificate
Default: unset
Names a client certificate that should be loaded if the target machine responds that one is necessary. The setting is the name of the certificate that will be loaded from the local machine's OS-managed certificate store.

SSL Flags
Default: unset
Option flags that can be set for SSL communications. Multiple options may be specified by separating them with a vertical pipe (|). The possible values and their effects are:

  • SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID - Stops producing an error when the server's SSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrect

  • SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID - Stops producing an error when SSL certificate date that was received from the server is bad, or the certificate is expired

  • SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA - Stops producing an error when an unknown Certificate Authority is used by a server certificate.

  • SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE - Stops producing an error when a certificate is used improperly

Trace Dir
Default: unset
For debug use; sets the directory to be used for the tracing logs. Multiple log files will be created - one for the main Proxy Module, one for the Auth Proxy, and one for the Auth Pipe Server. New logs are started when the Proxy Module starts up.

Trace Flags
Default: unset
For debug use; sets flags to determine what gets logged. Multiple flags can be specified in a comma separated list. Possible flags are:

  • SETTINGS - Traces the reading of the settings

  • MAIN - Traces all other operations

  • PRE_MAIN - Output all operations before they're performed, useful for finding an operation that's hanging

  • DATA - Outputs the contents of all buffers as they're used; includes hex dump

  • ALL - Outputs all information. The tracing log files will grow very large very quickly under normal useage.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024