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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

List/Edit URLs

On this page, you may list or delete all or selected URLs from the database. You should always list before you delete, so you know that you are deleting the correct ones. While listing URLs, you may display all known information about a given page. You may also create categories for selected sets of URLs from this interface.

If a walk is in progress, delete is disabled and you are given the choice of listing URLs from the live search database or the new database being built by the walk.

Select List or Delete from the drop down list. The default is always List for safety.

In the pattern box, enter the URL or pattern for URLs for which you want information. This may be an exact URL or a wildcard pattern, which lists all URLs matching the wildcard pattern. For a wildcard pattern, use asterisk (*) to match anything and question mark (?) to match any single character. You may enter up to 10 different URLs or patterns in the box to find them all at once. Put a space between patterns when entering multiples. Leaving the pattern box blank implies *, and this will cause every URL in the database to be listed. Deletion will be denied if the pattern is blank or *.

Select the order in which you wish to see the list:

Depth URLs encountered first in the walk will be listed first
URL URLs are ordered alphabetically
Newest first URLs are ordered by modification date with newest ones first
Oldest first URLs are ordered by modification date with oldest ones first
Largest first URLs are ordered by download size with largest ones first
Smallest first URLs are ordered by download size with smallest ones first

Then Submit.

All matching URLs will be listed. Clicking on a listed URL opens a page of details about that URL. On that detail page, everything the database knows about that URL is presented. You can also see what pages refer to the selected page by clicking Parents and what pages the selected page refers to by clicking Children. The test link next to the URL can be used to do a live test fetch of the page to find out how the Search Appliance processes it. See Test Fetch 3.3.

If your pattern matches less than the entire database, you will be given a form from which you can create a category using the same pattern(s). Simply enter the name of the category to create and click Submit. The name is the name that users will see on the search form. This new category will also appear on the main settings page along with the other categories. It will also be immediately available to search users.

If the profile is a meta search, then the profile has no URLs of its own to list. The List/Edit URLs page will instead display links to the list/edit URL pages for each of its target profiles.

Live Search and New Walking Database

These options are presented on the List/Edit URLs page (see 3.3) if a walk is active. They allow you to choose which database to query. The "Live" database is the one from a previous successful walk that is what search users see. The "New" database is the database currently being built by the new walk. It is not visible to search users.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Apr 18 2024